Network Load Capacity Map


The Network Load Capacity Map is an interactive map that has been developed to provide indicative information regarding Energex and/or Ergon Energy’s assets including location, rating and estimated capacity for areas of the network where available. The Network Load Capacity Map is an information service available to the public.

Users of this service must acknowledge and accept that:

  • The information obtained from the Network Load Capacity Map is intended as general in nature, may be based on assumptions that change with time and may not necessarily be complete. Information contained in, or obtained from, the Network Load Capacity Map should not be relied upon.
  • We make no representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of any information obtained from the Network Load Capacity Map. We are likely to update the information contained in the Network Load Capacity Map from time to time without any notice being provided, and this may result in material changes to the information. The Network Capacity Map is not a substitute for independent advice and research.
  • We do not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage, however caused, which any person or entity may suffer in connection with the information contained in, or obtained from, the Network Load Capacity Map.
  • We retain all intellectual property rights which exist or may exist in or with respect to the information contained in the Network Load Capacity Map. The information must not to be copied or distributed to any third parties. If you do distribute the information contained in, or obtained from, the Network Load Capacity Map to any third party, we will hold you liable and you must indemnify us for any claims that are brought against us by a third party in any way relating to the information.