Crew member in a cherry picker working on overhead wires with houses in background
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South East Queensland
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Our service map

Our electricity distribution network spans more than 25,000 square kilometres throughout South East Queensland.

We build, operate and maintain the electricity distribution network in the growing region of South East Queensland which includes the major urban areas of Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast, Logan, Ipswich, Redlands and Moreton Bay. Our electricity distribution area runs from the NSW border north to Gympie and west to the base of the Great Dividing Range.

With demand and energy sales forecast to grow significantly in the next few years, we'll continue to invest hundreds of millions of dollars in building and maintaining these robust networks.

By meeting targets to constantly improve reliability, we're keeping pace with one of Australia's fastest growing regions.

A map showing Energex's supply area from Tin Can Bay to Coolangatta