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South East Queensland
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Go to the Ergon Energy Network website

Choosing your electricity retailer

We are not an electricity retailer. We are the electricity distributor responsible for the safe and reliable supply of electricity to homes and businesses across Queensland.

Our role

You should contact us for the following:

Your retailer's role

Your retailer's role is to sell you the electricity that you consume. You should contact your retailer for all enquiries relating to the following:

  • reconnections
  • disconnections
  • contracts
  • electricity bills
  • electricity prices
  • green energy options

The Queensland Government has some great tips for choosing an electricity retailer.

You can also visit the Australian Energy Regulator (AER) website and read their fact sheets and online information to learn what questions you should be asking the electricity retailer when thinking about switching or signing a market contract.

Regulation and licensing

Participants operating in Queensland - including electricity distributors and customers - are governed by a series of regulatory instruments.

These provide coverage of all parties' rights and obligations in a fully competitive environment and include:

Supply of electricity

For more information on how electricity is supplied, the quality and reliability of electricity supply that can be expected from an electricity network, visit the Energy Networks Associations (ENA) website.