Cyber security & scams
Protecting your information is a priority. As scams, fake alerts, phishing and hoax SMS and emails continue to increase, we’re committed more than ever to protecting you and your personal information.
Unfortunately, there's no way to stop scammers from sending you emails, text messages or impersonating our employees, so it's important to be alert to the signs and remain vigilant to suspicious communications and activity.
What we are doing to keep your information safe
We use the latest security technology to ensure your personal information is secure and we have dedicated teams working across Queensland looking out for unusual activity on our systems. Learn more about how we collect, store, use and disclose your personal information by reading our Privacy Statement.
Scams, hoaxes and reporting
Read the latest information about known scams targeting our customers. This is not a complete list of all possible active scams. We work closely with other authorities to shut down scams as quickly as possible.
We're not aware of Energex scams at this time.
What you can do to protect yourself
Knowing what to look for can help protect you and your information. Keep a look out for incorrect spelling and grammar, poor layout, imagery and styling. For more information on what to look for visit the Scamwatch website.
Received an email or SMS that looks suspicious?
If you get an email or text message that is unknown, unsolicited or you have doubt that it is legitimate, we recommend you:
- Don’t reply to the message, even to unsubscribe
- Don’t click on any links or open any attachments
- Don’t call any numbers associated with the message
- Don’t forward the message onto anyone
- Never provide any personal details
- Report the email or text message to Scamwatch or us.
We'll review any email or text message reported to us, confirm if it is unsafe and get in touch if we need any more information.
What to do if you receive an unusual call or in-person visit
If you’re ever concerned whether the person you’re speaking to on the phone is legitimately from Energex, hang up and call us directly on 13 12 53. Never use contact details provided by the caller.
Our field crews and trusted contractors may need to access your property to maintain the electricity network or read your meter. If you are unsure of the person claiming to be an Energex employee or contractor, you may ask to see their official identification, which they will provide. You can also call us on 13 12 53 to confirm the reason for working in your area.
Staying in touch
Sometimes we’ll contact you about your electricity service via email and/or SMS for information relating to your power supply, and important safety messages. Remember, we'll never email or contact you requesting your passwords, personal or financial information.
Report suspicious activity
If you’ve received a suspicious call, email, text or in-person visit, please report it to Scamwatch immediately.
Think you might have been scammed?
There are a few important things you should do straight away to limit the damage and protect yourself. If you think you might have fallen victim to a scam, report it to Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 immediately.
For more information on what to do if you're been scammed visit the Scamwatch website.