Solar panels on the roof of a house

Solar feed-in tariff changes

The Queensland Government’s Solar Bonus Scheme includes the 44 cents/kWh Feed in Tariff (FiT) in South East Queensland.

44c feed-in tariff

The 44c FiT was closed to new solar customers in July 2012.

Under changes to legislation which took effect on 23 November 2012, customers will lose eligibility if they make changes such as:

  • close their electricity account, or add someone as an electricity account holder (other than their spouse), or
  • increase the rated inverter capacity, or
  • increase their electricity consumption above 100 MWh per annum and the premises is reclassified as a Large Customer.

In addition, under changes to legislation which took effect from 15 February 2018, customers may lose eligibility if they:

  • add panels to create a total array kW capacity that exceeds the rated AC power capacity (kW) of the existing inverter/s, or
  • add an energy storage system (such as a battery) that can either discharge at the same time as the PV system (other than during a network outage) or export to our electricity network, or
  • add another generating system to the premises that can either operate at the same time as the PV system (other than during a network outage) or export to our electricity network.

For more information, visit the Queensland Government Solar Bonus Scheme 44c FiT website.

If you believe we have incorrectly removed your customer's 44c/kWh FiT, please complete our Solar Bonus Scheme tariff change form (PDF 44.1 kb).

Warranty panel replacement and eligibility

If panels require replacement under warranty on a PV system eligible for the 44c FiT, and on which the array is already the same or a higher kW capacity as the existing inverter, the installer should make every effort to install new panels of the same wattage.

Where the wattage can’t be exactly matched, an increase in wattage of up to 5% across the entire array is allowable without impacting the customer’s eligibility for the 44c FiT. If we discover that the new array capacity exceeds the existing inverter capacity by more than 5%, the customer will lose eligibility for the 44c FiT.

Need help?

If you need more help to determine eligibility, please contact our Solar Team for advice on email