Customer requested switching form

To request isolation of Low Voltage or High Voltage Switching on our network, please complete the below form. A quotation will be prepared and sent to you for approval before we'll action your switching request.

IMPORTANT: Please allow a minimum of 20 business days from the date of this request to schedule switching activities. Timeframes may be extended where third parties are required to be engaged.

What is Customer Requested Switching?

Switching is a process where our network substations or transformers may need to be ‘switched off’ or so that supply to a particular premises is ‘isolated’ from the network. This is done when a customer needs to conduct works at the property, e.g. upgrading a switchboard, upgrading supply, upgrading or replacing customer mains.

Switching may also be known as Isolation Upstream.

Switching includes:

  • De-energisation of the customer’s network for our work
  • HV Switching of our network for customer requested HV or LV work
  • Switching of the interface/our network for customer LV work.

For specific examples, please refer to the below table.

Requirements for Customer Requested Switching

Refer to our Customer Switching Guide (PDF 1.3 mb) for the requirements for switching requests.

If you have further queries, please contact the Electrical Contractor Hotline 1300 762 397 (Monday to Friday, 7:00am - 5:00pm).

Please view our privacy statement regarding the collection of data.

Do I need Customer Requested Switching?

NOTE: In some cases, a Connect Agreement and an EWR may be required in addition to the below. Contact the Electrical Contractor Hotline on 1300 762 397 for more information.

I want to... Action
Organise switching / isolation upstream Submit this Customer Requested Switching Form below
De-energise / isolate a transformer Submit this Customer Requested Switching Form below
Upgrade the mains in a padmount transformer Submit this Customer Requested Switching Form below
Perform maintenance at a mine site and need the power disconnected Submit this Customer Requested Switching Form below
Arrange a crew to be onsite for a large event Submit this Customer Requested Switching Form below
Do work near a fascia (not dismantling or relocating) Contact the Electricity Retailer to arrange a job request
Drop service / pole fuse   Contact the Electricity Retailer to arrange a job request

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Contact Details
Please enter the ABN as 11 digits with no spaces
Please enter the business postal address if different to street address
Please enter your best business hours contact number as 10 digits with no spaces
Request Information
Please complete a separate form for each NMI or switching request. The NMI is a 10 or 11 digit number that can be found on the premises power bill.
Please enter first name and last name
Please enter the best business hours contact number as 10 digits with no spaces
If different to the above person. Please enter first name and last name
If different to the above person. Please enter the best business hours contact number as 10 digits with no spaces
If different to the above person
Is substation switching required?
IMPORTANT: Please allow a minimum of 20 business days from the date of this request to schedule switching activities. Timeframes may be extended where third parties are required to be engaged. A quotation will be prepared and sent to you for approval before we'll action your switching request.
Are you an Approved Authorised Person?
Are you attaching up to date schematics of the customer’s network, including any network alterations resulting from this work?
You can attach up to 3 files. Please keep each file size under 5MB.

Important information

Under the Electrical Safety Regulation 2013 (section 209) you must notify us before works start on any construction, addition or other work on a building or structure that is likely to come within the regulated clearance requirements under the Electrical Safety Regulation 2013 (part 5) for an overhead or underground electric line. You can notify us by submitting this form or by calling us. Any reasonable costs associated with required relocation or modification of our assets will be at the cost of the responsible person.