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Price list for Alternative Control Services

The Alternative Control Services (ACS) prices and product codes that apply in our electricity distribution area from 1 July 2024 are shown in our 2024-25 Network Price List (updated for Schedule 8) (XLSX 58.9 kb) and our Quoted services product codes table (XLSX 10.2 kb).

ACS are customer specific and/or customer requested services. They are either price capped services (fee-based services) for standard types of services, or price on application (quoted services) for services with a scope not known in advance.

ACS are comprised of:

  • Connection services – services relating to the electrical or physical connection of a customer to the network. Examples include temporary connections, de-energisations, re-energisations, temporary connections and supply abolishment.
  • Metering services – services include Type 5 and 6 default metering services (meter maintenance, reading and data services) and auxiliary metering services (Type 5 and 6 meter removal and disposal, meter re-configuration and customer requested meter investigations).
  • Public lighting services – services relate to the provision, installation and maintenance of public lighting assets and emerging public lighting technology.
  • Network ancillary services – customer and third party initiated services related to the common distribution network services but for which a separate charge applies. Examples include network safety services, non-standard network data requests and removal or re-arrangement of network assets.
Further information about ACS services and pricing methodology can be found in our latest Pricing Proposal on our Pricing & tariffs web page.

Previous price lists

The previous 2023-24 Network Price List (XLSX 83.9 kb) updated for Schedule 8 expires on 30 June 2024.