Safety advice form

To obtain a safety advice from us, please complete the below form.

Please note: If we need to carry out work s a result of the Safety Advice (e.g. install tiger tails, aerial markers etc), a quote for this work will be sent to you. We typically require 10 working days lead time from receipt of payment to complete most requests.

Please ensure you have familiarised yourself with the Electrical Safety Code of Practice 2020 - Working near overhead and underground electric lines to understand your obligations and prospective means of meeting them.

Please view our privacy statement regarding the collection of data.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Contact Details
Please enter first name and last name
If different to the above address
Please enter your best business hours contact number as 10 digits with no spaces
Work Information
Please describe other work type
Select the activity that has the potential to breach the exclusion zone
Please describe other work machinery / equipment / people
Enter the location of the work site
Please select date or enter in format dd/mm/yyyy
Please select date or enter in format dd/mm/yyyy
Required for underground assets
Building or adding to a structure near an electric line Are you proposing to build or change a building or structure or do other work on a building or structure within 5 meters of an electric line?

Please note: Under the Electrical Safety Regulation 2013 section 209 you must provide notification to us before works start on any construction or addition or other work on a building or structure that is likely to come within the clearance requirements under the Electrical Safety Regulation 2013 for an overhead or underground electric line. Any reasonable costs associated with required relocation or modification of our assets will be at the cost of the responsible person.

Authorised Persons
An Energex Authorised Person has fulfilled certain requirements, training and has received an approval letter from us. It is NOT mandatory to receive Safety Advice, if you are unsure please select No.
Attachments (add any relevant attachments)
Please keep file size under 5MB
Please keep file size under 5MB
Please keep file size under 5MB
Please keep file size under 5MB
Terms and Conditions
Exclusion zones: *
Written safety advice: *