A lady paying for a business sale using EFTPOS

Business energy resources

We’ve compiled a wide range of information to help businesses understand how to manage their energy use and understand and choose the best electricity tariff. Our information will help those just wanting a few ideas on how to save power as well as those wanting to implement a full business energy management plan.

Tips and information to help you take control of your electricity expenses and ramp up your bottom line. Check out the video case studies showing how other businesses have cut their power bills, how to tap into energy efficiency advice, your questions answered in Q&A's and much more.

If you'd like to save money on your electricity bill, it's important to understand how your business uses electricity and what you can do to reduce its usage. You should also be familiar with the electricity tariff options available to you, so you can optimise electricity use for that tariff. A good place to start is with our tips for businesses, offering a range of advice on everything from lighting to food service equipment.