Solar panels on the roof of a house

Solar Soak

Are you getting the best value from your solar PV system? Using the electricity you generate on your property is the best way to save on your electricity bill and be sustainable at the same time.

How much should you be exporting back to the grid?

Majority of customers will receive better value from their solar PV system by consuming as much energy as they can during the day and only exporting the excess solar power that they don’t need. The following information about maximising solar soaking is directed to customers who are not on the 44c Solar Bonus Scheme feed in tariff.

Solar soaking

Using your own solar power is called ‘solar soaking’.

Your power bill shows how much electricity you export to the grid. If you're exporting more than around 8 kWh/day or 700kWh over a quarterly billing period, and you're not on the 44c Solar Bonus Scheme feed in tariff, you'll most likely benefit by using more solar power at home and reduce your bill.

Using appliances when your solar PV system is generating the most electricity, it’s possible to save hundreds on your power bill each year.

We've produced this Solar Soak fact sheet (PDF 2.4 mb) that solar PV systems owners can download, and solar installers can also use and provide to their customers.

FREE things you can do to save now

Here’s some no-cost options that you can do right now:

If you're home during the day, simply use appliances like dishwashers, washing machines, clothes dryers, irons, vacuums, stove-tops and ovens when your solar is generating. For high energy consuming appliances like corded vacuums, irons, stove-tops and ovens, stagger their use during the day to make the most of the solar power that is generated. Where practical, charge laptops, iPads, power tools and other items during the day.

Tech Tip

To really save, it’s good to understand how much power your solar PV system is generating. Most inverters have a display that shows you this information, and many models also have an app to display this information on your phone. If your inverter doesn't have this capability, you can install a basic Home Energy Management System (HEMS) - cost around $200 plus installation, that will display how much power your solar PV system is generating and how much you're using on an app. A more advanced HEMS can also control some appliances for you, making things even simpler.

Many appliances like dishwashers, washing machines and clothes dryers have built in timers that let you control when they come on – you can use these functions to stagger when these appliances operate during the day. For example, you might program your dishwasher to come on at 9am and your washing machine at 11am.

Tech Tip

If your current appliances don’t have timers, and you’re not usually home during the day, you can switch these appliances on as you leave home in the morning to utilise the morning solar power generation. If your current appliances don’t have timers, be sure to look out for this function next time you buy.

If you have a pool or spa filter on the same tariff as your solar PV system, ensure it's set to run during the day when your solar PV system is generating power.

Tech Tip

If your pool or other appliances are connected to an economy tariff (like tariff 33 or tariff 31), your solar PV system does NOT power these, so you will not directly benefit from changing the time when these appliances run, however you will be helping relieve the energy network from too much exported solar generation.

If you arrive home after 5pm on hot summer days and your air conditioner has a timer or can be turned on remotely (i.e. through Wifi / or an App), consider switching it on an hour or two earlier so your solar power can run your air conditioner and pre-cool your home for your return.

Preparing your evening meal in a slow cooker turned on in the morning not only means your meal is ‘solar powered’, you get the benefit of having your dinner ready to eat when you get home!

Low cost things you can do to save

When buying new appliances like dishwashers, washing machines and clothes dryers, look for models that have built-in timers, or even better, can connect to the internet to allow you to schedule when they run.

If you have a large amount of solar power generation that is being exported during the day, an electric hot water system can be utilised to soak up that electricity in your home, if your hot water system is connected to the same tariff (ie tariff 11). A simple way to do this is to install a timer so that your electric hot water system operates when your solar is generating.

This allows you the best control of your appliances and setting them to run during the day when your solar PV system is generating and gives you the ability to boost your electric hot water system on days when your hot water demand is highest.

Higher cost, higher savings things you can do to save

When your current system needs replacing, a good option is to switch to an electric hot water system on a timer to heat up during the day. With your new hot water system not on an economy or night rate tariff, you effectively have a solar powered hot water system. Plan ahead so that you are ready when the time comes to make the switch.

If you're exporting a lot of your solar power to the grid, consider purchasing a battery energy storage system (BESS) to store that energy. Then you can use your free solar power later at peak times to reduce what you buy from the electricity grid at full price. A BESS can also be configured to provide you with electricity on essential circuits during power outages, especially after storms or other natural disasters. You can find more information as to whether a BESS is right for you.

You may consider an electric vehicle that you could charge during the day with your excess solar generation.

Low maintenance

Grid-connected solar PV systems are generally very low maintenance. With occasional cleaning and a regular health-check by a licensed electrical contractor, solar panels should last around 25 years. It is likely the inverter will need to be replaced at least once in that time.