Eagle caught on line in a gum tree with field crew helping in cherry picker vehicle


In Queensland we are fortunate to share our environment with some wonderful and unique wildlife. It's not uncommon for wildlife to come into contact with our network which not only can harm the animals but can also damage our electricity network and create power outages.


We attempt to minimise wildlife contact with our network through:

  • Deliberate network strategies such as careful planning and clever design as well as our vegetation management strategy.
  • In some instances, it's feasible for us to install wildlife-proofing devices on our equipment to restrict animal access. While this is often successful, some animals are undeterred. These devices can also prevent domestic animals, such as cats, from bringing themselves into harm's way.
  • When needed, we engage the services of specialised fauna spotters to inspect an area and relocate wildlife on our major work sites.
  • Where possible, we aim to schedule work in accordance with animal's seasonal habits to minimise any disturbance.

We've also developed a Koala Management Strategy to not only implement best practice for minimising the impacts of electricity infrastructure on koalas, but ensure we meet or exceed all regulatory obligations at Federal and State levels.

Animal rescues

We spend hundreds of thousands of dollars annually wildlife proofing the network, with our wildlife proofing plan receiving positive feedback from conservation groups throughout Queensland.

Even though we have a plan in place to reduce animals accessing our network, some wildlife are excellent climbers and capable of getting into even the most confined spaces and precarious spots on our equipment. In these circumstances, our crews will safely rescue live animals following established guidelines and work with local wildlife rescue organisations.

In the unfortunate case that a deceased animal is found on our electricity network, for Workplace Health and Safety reasons, our crews are only able to remove the animal. Once removed, the animal is bagged and left at the power pole for the council to arrange for appropriate disposal.

You can report wildlife caught in the electricity network by calling our general enquiries line on 13 12 53 (during business hours, Monday to Friday) or 13 62 62 (after business hours).

Wildlife information

 Who to contact

Sick, injured or orphaned animals

Contact the RSPCA
1300 ANIMAL (1300 264 625)

Living with wildlife

Visit the Queensland Government website Living with wildlife which provides insights into how to coexist in balance with some of our more common species of wildlife and, if problems arise, what practical solutions are available to restore this balance.

Fire ant management

The fire ant, originally from South America, is a serious exotic pest that is dangerous and destructive. It has the potential to damage our outdoor lifestyle, our environment and our agricultural production.

We work closely with government agencies and impacted landowners at work sites to ensure we have a comprehensive Fire Ant Management program in place to support all efforts to eradicate this pest in Queensland.

Possum guards

We don't fit any type of possum guard to service lines or allow them to be fitted by others. As per the Electricity Act (Sect 230), it's an offence to attach anything to the electricity network.

If you have a possum problem, please refer to the Yellow Pages - Pest Control.

Contact us

To report wildlife caught in the electricity network, or to talk to someone in our Environmental team, please call our general enquires number 13 12 53.