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Energy usage data to share

From time to time we receive requests to share information and data. We want to provide you with access to this information while still protecting the privacy of our customers.

Following is energy usage data for the state of Queensland by Postcode, Local Government Area and Network Provider.

Please note:

  • This data is updated quarterly
  • Please ensure you read the context of the data before use - this is located in the data file on the Important Information tab
  • This data is provided quarterly in arrears to ensure manual meter read data is included
  • The Customer / Consumption Type classification into Residential, Business and Solar is based on the previously agreed tariff based definitions as distinct from the NMI based definition included in the National Energy Customer Framework (NECF) and provided by the electricity retailer
  • Where a tariff has not been assigned to a connection, the Customer / Consumption Type is reported as “Unknown”
  • All information provided complies with our privacy statement.
Energy usage dataData information

Energy usage data by Postcode (XLSX 3.0 mb)

1 Jan 2020 - 30 Jun 2024
  • This file contains energy consumption data by a yearly and monthly breakdown in kWh, by postcode and by domestic & business customers
  • To satisfy privacy requirements, all postcodes with fewer than 25 connections by Customer / Consumption Type have been removed.

Energy usage data by Local Government Area (XLSX 723.6 kb)

1 Jan 2020 - 30 Jun 2024
  • This file contains energy consumption data by a yearly and monthly breakdown in kWh, by local govt area (LGA) and by domestic & business customers
  • Where the connection has been unable to be mapped within an LGA, these are reported as an LGA of “Unknown”.

Energy usage data by Network Provider (XLSX 252.4 kb)

1 Jan 2020 - 30 Jun 2024
  • This file contains consumption data by a yearly and monthly breakdown in kWh, by Network Provider – South East Qld (Energex) and Regional Qld (Ergon) – and by domestic & business customers.