3 branded EVs lined up in a car park

EV insights

Read up on key insights from our Electric Vehicle (EV) research program and keep informed on other relevant insights including volume of EV growth in Queensland.

If you have any questions about the information on this page, please contact us at evsmartcharge@energyq.com.au

EV SmartCharge Queensland Program

Just as we evolved to support an abundance of air conditioning and rooftop solar, we will need to cater for the electrification of transport.

Balancing demand and supply has always been the key to delivering secure, affordable, sustainable and safe energy solutions.

That’s why, back in May 2020, we embarked on an Electric Vehicle (EV) research program focussed on residential charging, to get on the front foot. We gathered data to help us understand the needs of our customers and the potential impact of their EV charging behaviours on the electricity network.

The results of the program, which analysed driving and charging profiles of Queensland EV owners, is helping us drive decisions that will benefit EV customers and the electricity network that supports them.

Read the results in our EV SmartCharge Queensland Insights Report (PDF 19.4 mb) and view our short video below.

The report will inform the development of new tariffs, dynamic customer connections and demand management opportunities. As an industry we are facing a new wave of opportunities and challenges from EVs, so it is critical to have the data to get in early and come up with real solutions that are good for you and good for the network.

Some of the insights in our report explore:

  • The influence of electricity tariffs on EV charging behaviour
  • Different charging profiles dependent on solar, non-solar and or battery energy storage system ownership
  • Network implications of EV charging
  • Weekday and weekend charging
  • Charging behaviour at home versus other locations
  • Length of charge – top up versus long charge
  • Distances travelled.

Customer experience journey mapping research

We completed research jointly with Energex to understand the customer experience from consideration of buying an EV, through to how customers use and manage their EVs, with a focus on how they charge their EVs.

Research highlights

  • Price was the barrier to purchasing an EV
  • Charging EVs became part of a total home energy management routine for those who have a home battery and solar
  • The preference was to avoid using the grid and leverage solar power charge EVs (and home batteries)
  • A common charging behaviour was to ‘top-up’ the EV battery to meet travel requirements for the next day, with an allowance of additional kilometres as a ‘safety buffer’.

Read the full research report in EV Customer Experience Journey Mapping (PDF 775.2 kb).

Queensland Household Energy Survey

This unique survey has over 4,200 participants each year, of which a small but increasing proportion have an EV. We ask those EV owners:

  • About their home charging arrangement
  • Their behaviours and influences
  • Where their EV is parked during the day
  • What challenges they had when buying their EV, and more.

Read the results from the EV questions. From that same page, you can access other insights from the survey, about solar PV, battery storage and more.

Graph showing the increase in EV volumes in QueenslandEV numbers

At the end of August 2024, Queensland had registrations for:

  • 47,789 BEVs, including 147 electric buses and 29 electric trucks,
  • 7,776 PHEVs, and
  • 1,577 electric motorcycles,

creating a total of:

  • 55,565 EVs excluding motorcycles, and
  • 57,142 including motorcycles.

Source: Analysis of data of battery EVs and plug-in hybrid EVs provided monthly to us by the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads under a Memorandum of Understanding.

Graph showing the increase in EV volumes in QueenslandEV market shares

At the end of August 2024, EVs reached market shares in Queensland of:

  • 1.68% of cars,
  • 0.66% of motorcycles,
  • 0.62% of buses, and
  • 0.03% of trucks.

Source: Analysis of data of battery EVs, plug-in hybrid EVs and all vehicles provided monthly to Energex and Ergon Energy Network by the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads under a Memorandum of Understanding.

Of all EVs (excluding motorcycles) in Queensland, 90.2% are registered in South East Queensland, and 9.8% in regional Queensland.  Approximately 69% of Queenslanders live in South East Queensland.

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